我关注邵艾伦Alan几年了,好像从19年二十万粉左右开始关注的,那个时候他会做一些和外国人聊天的视频,各种油管视频的reaction,我看得开心的同时也能学到英语。如今他的频道越做越大,已经两百万粉丝了,近期也在B站发布了自己教的美式口语视频课程,我觉得很不错。虽然他没有那些英语老师教的专业,但是我依旧会选择看他的课程,除了粉丝滤镜之外,他的教学模式可谓是全网比较独特的吧。在学习新的语言这一方面,我个人偏向于“婴儿式”学习方法,就是不断输入,同时也要尝试着输出,不需要刻意去学习语法、音标,总而言之就是你知道如何说就行,不需要太多了解其中的原理。当然我已经学了15年的英语,有一定基础,我现在更需要去接触那些常用日常的口语表达,其实很多书、很多教学视频里面教的内容相当一部分还是不够地道,或者有些过时,至少对于我而言,而Alan的课是直接从他和别人对话视频中截取的教学素材,内容非常 fresh,表达也很地道,同时Alan会说一些很街头很嘻哈开玩笑的话,这些也是我的兴趣之一,所以综上他的课还是挺适合我,以上是我的个人想法,不具有普适性。




  1. Vibe.(感觉)= vibration(频率/震动)

    Good vibes(好的感觉),Bad vibes(不好的感觉)

    e.g. He gives me a good vibe.

  2. statistic(统计)/ statistically(统计上的)

  3. hood.(贫民窟)= neighborhood(街区)

  4. pull over(逮停)

  5. strapped up(备枪)

  6. nerd(书呆子)/ nerdy(书呆子的感觉)

  7. Jacked(很壮)

  8. Baller(很有钱的人)

  9. Work out(健身)/ Lift(撸铁)

  10. Hella = very(非常)

  11. Loaded(很有钱)

  12. Clutch(完美解决问题)

  13. Flex(秀/炫耀)Flexing(炫耀)

  14. Typical(常见)Atypical(不常见)

  15. Dope(酷)

  16. Literally(真正意义上的/字面意思上的)

  17. High-five(击掌)

  18. Take it personally(认为是针对某人的)

  19. Y'all = you all(你们)

  20. Tier(等级)

  21. Smooth(很会)

    e.g. He's so smooth when it comes to talking to girls.

  22. Ethnicity(族裔)

  23. Exotic(异国风情)

  24. Conservative(保守的)

  25. Right away(马上开始)

  26. For real?(真的吗?)

  27. Straight up (直接/属实)

  28. Lowkey(低调/轻轻说一句)

  29. Bring up(提起/提及)

    e.g. Why you gotta bring that shit up?

  30. Spoil(变坏/变质)Spoiler(剧透)

    e.g. I don't want any spoilers.

    e.g. I can't have any spoilers for the new Spiderman movie.

  31. Lose my voice(失声)

  32. Reps. = repetitions(重复)

    e.g. How many reps of pull up do I need to do?

  33. No way(不是吧?)

  34. Draft(起草)Drafted(收编了,选中了)

    e.g. I just got drafted to the NBA.

  35. Rip-off(盗版)

    e.g. Is that a real GUCCI or a rip-off?

    e.g. It looks like a rip-off to me.

  36. It/that sucks(难受)

    You/they suck(你很糟糕)

  37. Freckles(雀斑)

  38. Make-up(妆)

  39. Expelled(驱逐/开除)一般指学校/组织/国家

    e.g. You got expelled from school.

  40. Skating Rink(溜冰场)

  41. Hang out(一起玩)

  42. __ though(但__)

  43. I see(我懂了)

  44. Get a ride(搭个车)

  45. Freshman(高一/大一)




  46. Hoop(圆圈/篮球框)

  47. Deadass(认真的)

  48. Age well(不显老)

  49. Trivia(知识竞赛)

  50. Kill it(做的很好)

  51. What's your major?(你大学学的什么专业?)

  52. Content creator(视频博主)

  53. Crisp(脆的,图片或声音清晰的)

  54. Varsity(校队主力)junior varsity(非校队主力)

  55. Brag(吹牛)

  56. Present(当下)(礼物)(展示)

    e.g. I don't wanna think too far, so let's just look near the presents.

    e.g. We should all enjoy the present.

  57. Whole lotta = a lot of(很多)

  58. Shut down(关门了)

  59. 6-pack(六块腹肌)

  60. Crochet(编织)

  61. Look up(去搜索/查阅)(抬头看)(生意有所好转)(看望)

  62. I was like(我当时的反应是)

    They were like(他们当时的反应是)

    He was like(他当时的反应是)

    She was like(她当时的反应是)

  63. Introvert(内向的人)introverted(内向)


  64. Missing out(错过了快乐,不如意)

    e.g. Since I have an exam tomorrow, so I gotta stay at home and study. But all my friends can go to the cinema, which makes me feel missing out.

    e.g. Are you sure you're not gonna go to the party tonight? So you're gonna be missing out.

  65. Long-term(长久的)short-term(短暂的)

    e.g. Long-term relationship/friendship/damage

  66. Last forever(永远长存)

  67. Hook up(勾搭)

  68. Commit(承诺)(犯)

    e.g. He just committed a crime.

  69. 1, 000, 000, 000

    billion million thousand

    十亿 百万 千

  70. Legit. = legitimate(正儿八经的/合法的/实在的)

  71. Mess you up(教训你一顿)

  72. We'll see(到时候看吧)

  73. assume(盲猜/假定)

    e.g. How old does she look? Hmm, I assume twenty.

  74. elementary/primary school(小学)

    middle school(初中)

    high school(高中)


    graduate school(研究生院)


  75. miserable(痛苦/悲惨)

    e.g. The fact that I have to work 12 hours a day, makes me miserable.

    e.g. I feel miserable right now because I don't see any hope.

  76. valid excuse(正当的借口)

    e.g. I don't wanna go to school today, so I need to find a valid excuse.

  77. symptoms(症状)

  78. quarantine(隔离)

  79. f*** it(不管了)

  80. I am like(我的反应是)

    He is like(他的反应是)

    She is like(她的反应是)

    They are like(他们的反应是)

  81. Grooming(打理/修饰)

  82. Chinese New Year = Lunar New Year(春节/中国新年)

  83. For sure(肯定的)

  84. Asian American(亚裔美国人)

    African American(非裔美国人)

    American Born Chinese(美国出生的华裔)

  85. Stereotype(刻板印象)

  86. Accent(口音)

    规则: 单词开头是元音(a,e,I,o,u)之前,使用an

  87. Coming up(快到了)

    e.g. Did you know that Chinese new year / my birthday / summer break is coming up?

  88. Meme(网络上很火的梗)

  89. Artsy(艺术性的)

  90. Trippy(魔幻的)

  91. Hippie. = Hipster(嬉皮士)

  92. Full-time(全职的)


  93. Livestream(直播)streamer(主播)streaming(在直播)stream(直播)

  94. Chill(舒服)Chilling(放松)

  95. Yell at(对着某人大吼大叫)

  96. Divulge(透露)

  97. Feeling down(情绪低落)

  98. Take out a loan(拿贷款)

  99. Grateful(感激/感恩)

  100. Period(句号)(例假)(时期)(到此结束)

  101. Gone through(经历过)

    e.g. What have you gone/been through?

  102. Reach out(伸出手,找人沟通)

  103. Schedule(时间表)

  104. Drop out(辍学)

  105. Comfort zone(舒适圈)

  106. On a primal level(到骨子里去了)

    e.g. Whenever I think about that event, it hurts on a primal level.

  107. Good for you(对你好的)

    Bad for you(对你不好的)

  108. Stick it out(坚持)

  109. Interaction(交流)

  110. Get to us(影响到我们)

    Get to me(影响到我)

    Get to you(影响到你)

    e.g. Just don't let it get to you.

  111. Good times(快乐的时光)

  112. I'm down(我可以的、我感兴趣、冲!)

    e.g. Do you wanna hang out with me later after you've done with your class? Yeah, I'm down. Let's do it.

  113. Import(进口)export(出口)

  114. Industry(行业)

  115. Degree(温度)(文凭)(程度)

  116. Save up(存钱)

  117. Bail out(金钱上帮助困难中的人)

  118. Max out(拉满)

    Max out AC(空调开最大)

    Max out credit card(刷爆信用卡)

  119. Homeschool(在家自学)

  120. Lenient(宽容,宽松,懒散)

  121. Luxury(奢侈)

  122. Intellectual(智力的)(知识分子)

  123. Flaw(缺陷)


  124. Caught up(了解最新情况)

    e.g. I'm pretty caught up with your life / that TV show / recent news.

  125. Model(模特)modeling(做模特)

  126. Tricky(复杂/难办/棘手)

  127. Session(一段时间/时期)

  128. Open-minded(思想开放/开明)

    e.g. People born and raised in big cities are usually more open-minded.

  129. Westernized(西化)

  130. Take off(起飞)

    e.g. Ever since he made the song, his career took off.

    e.g. My plane is about to take off in two hours, so can you please drive faster?

  131. Known(出名的)

  132. Fan base(粉丝群体)

    e.g. BTS has a huge fan base in the US.

  133. Stay/keep in touch(保持联系)

  134. Religion(宗教)/ religious(宗教方面的)

  135. Occasion(场合)situation(情况)

    e.g. Under what occasion/situation, xxx

  136. Self-taught(自学的)

    e.g. What surprises me is that he's actually self-taught.

  137. Cultural shock(文化冲击)

  138. Adjust(适应/调整)

    e.g. It's harder for older people to adjust to new things.

  139. Shoot my shot(放下顾虑去追别人,抓机会)

  140. Middle eastern(中东人)

  141. __ I guess(我觉得吧)

  142. In shape(身材好)

    e.g. You look pretty in shape.

  143. Stand out(突出/显眼)

  144. Racism(种族主义)racist(种族主义者)

  145. Call out(指出错误)(嘲笑)

  146. Here and there(时不时的)

  147. Tired of it(厌倦了它)

    e.g. I'm tired of doing homework every single day.

  148. Opener(开场白)(开瓶器)

    e.g. I bet everybody says that as an opener.

  149. Crack joke(开玩笑)

    e.g. He likes to crack jokes all the time.

  150. Bet = for sure(没问题)

  151. For now(暂时的)

  152. Gig(临时工作)

  153. Down payment(首付)

  154. Make bank(赚大钱)

  155. Pull(吸引到)

  156. Hustle(努力达到目标/挣钱)

  157. Time-consuming(很花时间的)

  158. Taxing(消耗)

  159. Innovate(创新)

  160. Off the cuff(一拍脑门)

    e.g. This was an off-the-cuff thing.

  161. Limited edition(限量款)

  162. Liability(责任)

  163. Arsonist(纵火犯)

  164. Big deal(大事)

  165. So far(目前来说)so good

  166. Ultimate(最终的)

  167. Phenomenon(现象)

  168. __proof(防__)

    Waterproof 防水

    Bulletproof 防弹

    Fireproof 防火

    Soundproof 隔音

  169. Meet requirement(符合要求)

  170. That's it?(这就没了?就这?)

  171. Come up with __(想出__)

  172. Human being(人类)

  173. Speculate(猜测/推断)

  174. Obsessed with __(痴迷于__)

    e.g. I'm obsessed with computer games.

  175. Tempting(有诱惑力的)

    e.g. This burger right here is so tempting to me.

  176. Drive me crazy(把我弄疯)

  177. Enticing(诱人的)

  178. Resonance(共振)

  179. Input(输入)output(输出)

  180. Inevitable(无法避免的,必然发生的,无法避免的事)


  181. Futile(徒劳)

  182. Take over(接管,管制)

    e.g. Let me take over the rest of your work.

  183. Oversight(监督)

  184. Investigate(调查)

  185. Regulation(监管)

  186. Decade(十年)

  187. Doomsday(末日)

  188. Out of control(失控)

    e.g. Things are getting outta control.

  189. Spooky(吓人的)

    e.g. It's getting spooky over here.

  190. Merge(融合)

  191. Augment(强化)

    e.g. Hopefully one day we could be augmented with technology.

  192. Drop the gun(逃避)

    e.g. I don't wanna drop the gun on that.

  193. Radically(极大程度地,根本地)

  194. Capability(能力)

  195. Cognition(认知力)

  196. Enhance(强化)

  197. Bandwidth(宽带/速率)

  198. Interface(接口/交流处)

  199. Retain(保留)

  200. Down the rabbit hole(进入未知领域了)

    e.g. This conversation just went down the rabbit hole.

  201. Abstract(抽象的)

  202. Wrap sb. head around__(理解__)

    e.g. It's hard for them to wrap their head around it.

  203. Document(记录)Documentary(纪录片)

  204. Drone(无人机)

  205. Missile(导弹)

  206. Discriminate(差别对待,歧视)


  207. Philosophy(哲学)

  208. Modify(修改)

    e.g. I don't think you need to modify your picture to make yourself look better, because you look pretty amazing already.

  209. PR = public relation(公关)

  210. Hashtag = #

  211. Distinguish(区分)

  212. Propagate(传播)Propaganda(政治宣传)

  213. Optimistic(乐观的)Optimist(乐观的人)

    e.g. I consider myself an optimist.

  214. Pessimistic(悲观的)Pessimist(悲观的人)

  215. Distill(提纯)


  216. Pristine(光亮如新,崭新的)

    e.g. I just washed my car yesterday, so now it looks pristine.

  217. Back at it(重操旧业)

  218. Heart's racing(心跳加速)

    e.g. I bet her heart's racing.

  219. Freak out(慌张,紧张,吓坏)

    e.g. I'm freaking out.

  220. Contestant(参赛者)

  221. Take your time(你不用着急)/ Take his time(他不用着急)/ Take their time(他们不用着急)

  222. Deli.(熟食店)= Delicatessen

  223. Fill me up(把我填饱)Fill you up(把你填饱)

  224. Devour(吞食,狼吞虎咽)

  225. No cap(不开玩笑)You're capping(你在开玩笑)That's a cap(这是在开玩笑)

  226. Menace(疯的)

  227. Natural habitat(自然的生活环境)

  228. Chinese Zodiac(十二生肖)

  229. Zodiac sign(星座)

    e.g. What's ur sign?

  230. ASAP(越快越好)= as soon as possible

  231. Pick someone's brain(理解到别人的想法)

  232. Crib(住所)

  233. Telly(hotel room 酒店房间)

  234. Pull up = pull through(过来)

  235. Put someone on the spot(把某人放进一个很难回答/做决定/难堪的位置)

    e.g. Are you gonna put me on the spot? 你这是要让我难堪吗?

  236. Luxury(奢侈/难得的特权,享受)

  237. Done up(好好打扮)

    e.g. You look really done up.

  238. DM(私信)= Direct Message

  239. Genuine(真诚的)

  240. Go out(出去嗨/出去喝酒)

  241. Fell off(跌下了/过气了)

  242. Make up for something(弥补)

  243. Reciprocate(回报/反馈)

  244. Simp(舔/舔狗)

    L.(废物/失败者)= Loser

    W.(赢/赢家)= Winner

  245. Mansion(豪宅)

  246. athletic(有运动细胞的)unathletic(没有运动细胞的)athlete(运动员)

  247. I'm not either = Me neither(我也不是)

  248. Consistent(持续不断的)

  249. Setup(设备)

  250. Bandwagon(跟风、热潮)

  251. Get to do something(可以做某件事)

    e.g. I'm happy because I get to eat at McDonald's.

    e.g. I get to just have fun because I don't have work today.

  252. Chef's kiss(主厨亲过一样/超好的)

  253. Superior(更好的/更高级的)

  254. Dependent(依赖人的)


  255. Nowadays(当今)

  256. Heels(高跟鞋)

  257. Grind(磨碎)(努力奋斗)

  258. In the flesh(活生生的)

    e.g. I've seen her on television but never in the flesh.

  259. OOTD(今日穿搭)= outfit of the day

  260. Bucket list(愿望清单)

    e.g. Going snowboarding is / has always been on my bucket list.

  261. Organic(有机的)

  262. Leak(泄露)

    e.g. My phone/video/idea got leaked.

  263. Spam(垃圾信息)

    e.g. U kinda spamming a lot. (你似乎发的内容有些多了。通常指邮件、帖子)

  264. Clout(名气)

  265. Ins and outs(来龙去脉,里里外外,详情,细节)

    e.g. I know how to use computers, but I don't really understand the ins and outs of how they work.

  266. Didn't know any better(不太懂事)

  267. Eliminate(消除)

  268. Go on the fly(不经过太多思考做某事)

  269. GOAT(最伟大的)= Greatest Of All Time

  270. Wish you a happy __(节日)


  271. Take turns(轮流)

  272. Hygiene(卫生)

  273. Ego(自我)big ego(太自我)

  274. Clingy(粘人的)

  275. Get along with__(与__相处得融洽)

  276. Meant to be(命中注定的)

  277. through thick and thin(不管有多困难,历尽千辛万苦)

  278. put in work(卖力工作)

  279. superficial(肤浅)

  280. cherish(珍惜)

  281. collab.(合作)= collaboration

  282. corny(老土/老套)

  283. pissed off(发火/发脾气)

  284. it doesn't add up(这不合理)

  285. rigged(存在作弊的)

  286. NPC = non-player character(非玩家角色)

  287. found(找到、创始)Founder(创始人)

  288. gimmick(噱头、花招、把戏)

  289. Bigger picture(更长远的未来)Look at the bigger picture.

  290. Think outside the box(跳出传统思维去思考)

  291. Get the most out of __ (充分体验/利用__)

  292. Trade-off(交换/交易)

  293. Hot take(有争议性的见解/独到见解)

  294. Have a regard for __ (关心)

    My ex didn't have a regard for me.

  295. Made up(编造)I just made da shit up(那是我编的)

  296. Rip off(讹钱)Rip sb. off

  297. Hospitality(好客)

  298. Outsouring(外包)company

  299. put you on(帮助你)

  300. underbelly of society(社会阴暗面,社会底层)

  301. Going easy on sb.(对__放水了)

    e.g. Pls go easy on me.

  302. mind-blowing(使兴奋的;引起幻觉的;令人印象极深刻的,令人极震惊的)

  303. run into __(偶然遇见__)

  304. on the right track(在正轨)

  305. Troll(恶搞,恶搞的人)

  306. Got you convinced?(我说服你了吗?)

  307. cocky(骄傲自大的,过于自信的)

  308. Lover boy(恋爱脑男孩)bushi

  309. Credential(阅历、资历)

  310. come up with a plan(设计出一个计划)

  311. under construction(正在施工)

  312. Net worth(身价)

  313. First class(头等舱)

    Business class(商务舱)

    Economy class(经济舱)

  314. Side hustle/business(副业)

  315. Regional manager(地区总监)


  1. Are you about to __ or something?


    e.g. Are you about to go to work or something?

  2. You know what I'm saying?


  3. I don't get it = I don't understand


    e.g. I don't get why my ex's parents are hella mean to me.

    e.g. Did you understand what the teacher just taught us?

  4. That's messed up


  5. What's up / what up(哈喽)

    回复:what's up/what's good/how's it going?/how(are)you doing?

  6. Don't hesitate to


    e.g. Since I'm a really good student, I don't hesitate to study.

    e.g. I really need to make some money, so I don't hesitate to go to work.

    e.g. I don't really like that person so if I ever see him, I don't hesitate to go beat his ass.

  7. I gotta go/run


  8. You know the drill


  9. I can tell(我能看出来)/ I can't tell(我看不出来)

    You can tell(你能看出来)/ you can't tell(你看不出来)

    He can tell(他能看出来)/ he can't tell(他看不出来)

    e.g. He's so good at lying, you can't tell if he's being serious or not.

  10. left __ for __

    为了 __ 而离开 __

    e.g. I left school for my rap career.

    e.g. My ex left me for a rich dude.

  11. When it comes to


    e.g. When it comes to food, what's your favourite type of cuisine?

    e.g. When it comes to dating, do you have a racial preference?

  12. Have a good one


  13. got __ on


    e.g. He's got ten years on me.

    e.g. He's got 10 centimetres on me.

  14. You don't look a day over__


  15. the __ th __ in the world(可替换)

    在 __ 方面是世界(可替换)第 __

  16. It took you __

    只花了你 __(多长时间)

  17. everyone be saying that


  18. you look like a combination of __ and __

    你看着像 __(某人)和 __(某人)的结合体

  19. say it on your mom's life?


  20. Check this out / check it out


  21. I have it right here


  22. everything you ever wanted


  23. I don't see __ when you could be __

    我不理解为什么 __ 当你可以 __

    e.g. I don't see she broke up with me, when she could have a better life with me.

  24. The thing is __

    问题是 __

  25. What do you do for fun?


    What do you do for a living?


    What do you do for work?


  26. How did you get into __?


  27. get to __

    能够去 __

  28. __free


    e.g. Covid-free

    e.g. Smoke-free area

  29. __ for a living


  30. get that a lot / get that all the time


  31. really good at __


  32. How am I supposed to __ when/if ___


    e.g. How am I supposed to come to the party when/if I'm not even invited?

    e.g. How am I supposed to go to the party when/if I don't even have a ride?

    e.g. How am I supposed to save up money when/if I don't even have a job?

  33. be tired of __


  34. You need to be__ to be able to __


    e.g. You need to be over 21 to be able to get into the clubs.

    e.g. You need to be over 18 to be able to buy a pack of cigarettes.

  35. scare/beat the shit out of me/you/him/her/them


    e.g. Yo, if you don't leave me alone, Imma beat the shit outta your ass.

  36. You got it going on


  37. into something


  38. What's the point of __ if you __


    e.g. What's the point of learning English, if you can't even speak the language?

  39. The fact that __

    __ 这件事情

  40. nothing to do with __


    e.g. Why you gotta blame this on me? It has nothing to do with me.

  41. want __ so badly


    e.g. I grew up with no friends so I wanted friendship so badly.

  42. __fold


  43. don't have to deal with __ any longer than I have to


    e.g. I'm so glad that I quit my job, so I don't have to deal with my boss any longer than I have to.

  44. As much as I can


    e.g. I really wanna get an A on the exam, so I'm gonna study as much as I can.

  45. What's up with __?

    __ 是什么情况?

    e.g. She's been acting weird all day, what's up with her?

  46. Keep doing something


  47. Keep on doing something


  48. when it comes to __

    In terms of __

    In regards to __


  49. Once in a while / occasionally


    e.g. My diet is usually pretty healthy, but once in a while, I'll eat ice cream or a hamburger.

  50. __ for the rest of my life


    e.g. I can't be a programmer/YouTuber/rapper for the rest of my life.

  51. I hate to ask/interrupt/disrupt but __


    e.g. I hate to disrupt, but there is something urgent going on.

    e.g. I hate to ask you this favour, but can you pls give me a ride home?

  52. not to the point where __


    e.g. not to the point where everybody wants to hang out with me.

  53. as long as __


    e.g. You can definitely pick up(掌握)English, as long as you spend enough time studying it.

  54. __ in the first place


  55. How does one decide to __ by __


  56. hold a candle to__


    e.g. You'll not be able to hold a candle to me.

    e.g. Even though humans are smart, we cannot hold a candle to AI.

  57. I'd rather __ than __


    e.g. I'd rather be broke and happy than rich and sad.

  58. Are you ready for me to __?


  59. I have to resist the urge to __


    e.g. I have to resist the urge to go ask for her phone number.

  60. I've been __ for __


  61. What's your go to?


  62. I've been meaning to __


  63. All about __ (只关心)

  64. Why does it matter if __?(__又有什么关系呢?)

  65. The closest you've been to sth (离__最近的一次)

  66. __ is only good/bad when it makes it so __ (__唯一的好处/坏处是__)

    e.g. Working out too much is only bad when it makes it so I cannot live a normal life.

  67. It doesn't make sense for __, when __(__已经不合理了,当__)

    e.g. It doesn't make sense for me to go to college, when all I wanna do is to become a streamer.

  68. They've been doing something for ages(他们做__已经很多年了)

    e.g. We've been together for ages.

  69. One of the greatest __(最伟大的__之一)

  70. can't go wrong with __(__总是没错的)

    If you don't know how to study in college, you can't go wrong with finance.

  71. It turns out that / to be __(结果原来是)

  72. can't imagine __ let alone __(没法想象__更别提__)

    e.g. I can't imagine being able to purchase a house, let alone buying an airplane.

  73. Is that not enough to __?(这还不足以__)

  74. What do you look for in guys/girls(你找对象看中什么?)

  75. Fastest among them all(他们中最快的)

  76. Here's the thing tho(事情是这样的)

  77. What have you done in the past that makes you __(你过去做了什么使你)a good rapper.

  78. Let's say__(假设__)

  79. If you don't mind me asking, __(如果你不介意我问的话)

  80. I've always wanted to do sth.(我一直想做__)


1. I'm a __


I’m a basketball player(我是一名篮球运动员)

I’m a teacher(我是一名老师)

I’m an athlete(我是一名运动员)

I’m a doctor and I work in a hospital (我是一名医生,我在医院工作)

I’m a chef and I enjoy cooking(我是一名厨师,我很享受做饭)

2. I’m good at ___


I’m good at soccer(我擅长足球)

I’m good at playing video games(我擅长玩电子游戏)

I’m good at math(我擅长数学)

I’m good at cooking Chinese food(我擅长做中餐)

I’m good at teaching people spoken English(我擅长教大家英语口语)

3. I’m getting___


I’m getting food (我要去买吃的)

I’m getting lunch (我要去吃午餐)

I’m getting a job (我要去找一份工作)

I’m getting a drink (我要去拿一杯酒)

I’m getting coffee (我要去买咖啡)

I’m getting a beef jerky (我要去拿一个牛肉干)

4. I want to(wanna)___


I want to go home(我想要回家)

I want to ask(我想要问)

I want to know(我想要知道)

5. I need to___


I need to drink some water(我需要喝点水)

I need to study (我需要学习)

I need to work (我需要工作)

6. I’m gonna (going to) ___


I’m gonna keep trying(我将要一直尝试)

I’m gonna go home(我将要回家)

I’m gonna take a break from work(我将要从工作中休息一下)

I’m gonna start learning English (我将要开始学英语)

I’m gonna meet my friends tonight (我将要见我的朋友们 在今晚)

7. I’m not used to ___


I’m not used to this weather(我不习惯这个天气)

I’m not used to being loved (我不习惯被爱)

I’m not used to you (我不习惯你)

I’m not used to living with you (我不习惯和你住在一起)

I’m not used to this (我不习惯这个)

I’m not used to the cold weather here(我不习惯这里的冷天气)

I’m not used to speaking in public (我不习惯在公共场合说话)

I’m not used to the new technology (我不习惯这个新的科技)

I’m not used to driving on the left side of the road (我不习惯在路的左边开车)

8. I’m not sure if ___


I’m not sure if he’ll come(我不确定他是否会来)

I’m not sure if he understood what I was saying (我不确定他是否理解我在说什么)

I’m not sure if this is a good idea(我不确定这是否是个好主意)

I’m not sure if he is telling the truth about his resume (我不确定他是否在说真话 关于他的简历)

I’m not sure if he is the right person for our company (我不确定他是否是合适的人选 对于我们的公司)

I’m not sure if I___


I’m not sure if I will regret this (我不确定我是否会后悔这件事)

I’m not sure if I am qualified for this new position (我不确定我是否符合这个新岗位的要求)

I’m not sure if I am making the right decision (我不确定我是否在做对的决定)

I’m not sure if I have the skills to complete this project (我不确定我是否有足够的技能来完成这个项目)

I’m not sure if they ___


I’m not sure if they received my email(我不确定他们是否接受到了我的电子邮件)

I’m not sure if they will come to the meeting (我不确定他们是否会来会议)

I’m not sure if they understand the decision (我不确定他们是否理解这个决定)

I’m not sure if they will be able to finish the project on time (我不确定他们是否能按时完成项目)

9. I’m looking forward to ___


I’m looking forward to your party(我很期待你的聚会)

I’m looking forward to this (我很期待这个)

I’m looking forward to my vacation next month (我很期待下个月的度假)

I’m looking forward to learning a new language (我很期待学一个新的语言)

I’m looking forward to this weekend, as I have some fun plans with friends (我很期待这个周末,我有跟朋友们很好玩的计划)

I’m looking forward to visiting a new country this summer(我很期待参观一个新的国家,在这个夏天)

10. I’m working on ___


I’m working on my homework (我正在做我的家庭作业)

I’m working on my website (我正在做我的网站)

I’m working on this project(我正在做这个项目)

I’m working on a side hustle to earn extra income(我正在做一个副业 想挣一些额外的钱)

I’m working on this app (我正在做这个手机软件)

I’m working on a research paper (我正在做一个研究论文)

11. I’m thinking about___


I’m thinking about giving up (我在考虑放弃)

I’m thinking about our marriage (我在考虑我们的婚姻)

I’m thinking about taking a vacation (我在考虑度一个假)

I’m thinking about starting a business (我在考虑创建一个生意)

I’m thinking about going back to school (我在考虑回去学校)

I’m thinking about getting a new haircut/hairstyle (我在考虑换一个新发型)

I’m thinking about moving to a new city(我在考虑搬去一个新的城市)

I’m thinking about seeing her (我在考虑见她)

I’m thinking about learning French (我在考虑学法语)

I’m thinking about buying a new car (我在考虑买一辆新车)

I’m thinking about writing a book (我在考虑写一本书)

12. I’m dying to ___


I’m dying to see you (我非常想见你)

I’m dying to give up(我非常想放弃)

I’m dying to try Japanese food (我非常想尝试日本菜)

I’m dying to improve my English (我非常想提高我的英语)

I’m dying to buy a new car(我非常想买辆新车)

I’m dying to go travel (我非常想去旅行)

I’m dying to see/watch Jay Chou’s concert (我非常想去看周杰伦的演唱会)

I’m dying to try skydiving (我非常想尝试跳伞)

I’m dying to visit Paris (我非常想参观巴黎)

I’m dying to watch this movie (我非常想去看这部电影)


He’s dying to ___


She’s dying to ___


They’re dying to ___


Jeff is dying to ___

Jeff 非常想___

Jessica is dying to ___


13. I’m afraid I___


I’m afraid I can’t accept it (我恐怕是不能接受它)

I’m afraid I lost my phone (我恐怕是弄丢了我的手机)

I’m afraid I can’t finish this project on time (我恐怕是没法按时完成这个项目)

I’m afraid I can’t lend you the money (我恐怕是没法借给你钱)

I’m afraid I can’t give you an answer (我恐怕是没法给你一个答案)

I’m afraid I have to cancel our plan (我恐怕是必须得取消掉我们的计划)

I’m afraid I can’t show up to the meeting (我恐怕是没法出席会议)

I’m afraid I can’t lend you my car (我恐怕是不能把车借给你)

I’m afraid I don’t have the skills that you’re looking for (我恐怕是没有你正在寻找的技能)

14. I have to ___


I have to go to school (我必须去上学)

I have to ask you (我必须问你)

I have to study for my exam (我必须为考试学习)

15. I have been ___


I have been asking you (我一直都在问你)

I have been wondering (我一直都在疑惑)

I have been watching this TV show (我一直都在看这部电视剧)

I have been saving money (我一直都在存钱)

I have been working out (我一直都在健身)

I have been living in this country (我一直都在这个国家生活)

I have been trying to improve my English (我一直都在试着提高我的英语)

16. I used to ___


I used to like him (我以前喜欢他)

I used to study here (我以前在这里学习)

I used to play basketball everyday (我以前每天打篮球)

17. I would like to ___


I would like to see him (我想要见他)

I would like to eat here (我想要在这里吃饭)

I would like to travel to Japan (我想要去日本旅游)

I would like to learn how to play guitar (我想要学弹吉他)

I would like to read more books (我想要看更多的书)

18. I’m about to ___


I’m about to take a walk (我正要去散步)

I’m about to go eat (我正要去吃东西)

I’m about to work out (我正要去健身)

I’m about to take a shower (我正要去洗澡)

I’m about to watch a movie (我正要去看电影)

I’m about to ask him (我正要去问他)

I’m about to go to the mall (我正要去商场)

I’m about to go to the grocery store (我正要去超市)

19. I didn’t mean to ___


I didn’t mean to hurt you (我不是故意要伤害你)

I didn’t mean to ask (我不是故意要问)

I didn’t mean to bother you (我不是故意要打扰你的)

I didn't mean to say that. (我不是故意说那个的)

I didn’t mean to offend you (我不是故意要冒犯你的)

I didn’t mean to be late (我不是故意要迟到的)

I didn’t mean to forget about your birthday (我不是故意要忘记你的生日的)

I didn’t mean to ignore you (我不是故意要忽视你的)

I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings (我不是故意要伤害你的感受的)

20. I don’t have time to ___


I don’t have time to cook (我没有时间做饭)

I don’t have time to do my homework (我没有时间写我的作业)

I don’t have time to read this book (我没有时间看这本书)

I don’t have time to work out (我没有时间健身)

I don’t have time to take a vacation (我没有时间去度假)

21. I don’t know how to ___


I don’t know how to cook (我不知道如何做饭)

I don’t know how to study (我不知道如何学习)

I don’t know how to ask you (我不知道如何问你)

I don’t know how to speak English (我不知道如何说英语)

22. I feel like doing sth


I feel like going fishing (我想去钓鱼)

I feel like giving up (我想放弃)

I feel like crying right now (我现在想哭)

I feel like watching a movie tonight (我想看部电影在今晚)

I feel like eating something spicy tonight (我想吃点辣的在今晚)

I feel like playing video games (我想玩电子游戏)

I feel like taking a nap (我想睡午觉)

I feel like listening to some rap music (我想听一些说唱音乐)

23. I want you to __


I want you to understand (我想要你明白)

I want you to come home with me (我想要你跟我回家)

I want you to be happy(我想要你开心)

I want you to feel comfortable and safe (我想要你感到舒服和安全)

I want you to know how much I love you (我想要你知道我有多爱你)

I want you to be honest with me (我想要你跟我实话实说)

I want you to know I trust you (我想要你知道 我相信你)

I want you to feel loved (我想要你感到被爱)

24. I should’ve (should have) ___


I should’ve asked (我本该问的)

I should’ve known (我本该知道的)

I should’ve listened to her (我本该听她的)

I should’ve studied more for that test (我本该多学习一点 为了这个考试)

I should’ve saved more money (我本该存更多钱的)

I should’ve told you (我本该告诉你的)

I should’ve read the instructions (我本该看指南的)

I should’ve said no (我本该说不的)

25. I can’t wait to ___


I can’t wait to go home (我等不及回家了)

I can’t wait to work (我等不及工作了)

I can’t wait to tell her (我等不及告诉她了)

I can’t wait to see my family (我等不及见我的家人了)

I can’t wait to watch this movie (我等不及看这部电影了)

I can’t wait to finish this project (我等不及完成这个项目了)

I can’t wait to move to a new city (我等不及搬去一个新的城市了)

I can’t wait to graduate from high school (我等不及高中毕业了)

I can’t wait to buy a new car(我等不及买辆新车了)

I can’t wait to spend the weekend with my girlfriend (我等不及跟我女朋友一起过周末了)

I can’t wait to meet Jay Chou (我等不及见周杰伦了)

I can’t wait to try this food (我等不及尝这个食物了)

I can’t wait to learn boxing (我等不及学拳击了)

26. I have no idea __


I have no idea (我完全不知道)

I had no idea (我完全不知道*过去式)

I have no idea he’s here (我完全不知道他在这里)

I have no idea how to play guitar (我完全不知道怎么弹吉他)

I have no idea what to say (我完全不知道说什么)

I have no idea what’s wrong (我完全不知道什么出错了)

I have no idea where to go (我完全不知道去哪里)

I have no idea how to answer (我完全不知道怎么回答)

I have no idea where to start (我完全不知道从哪里开始)

I have no idea what to tell them (我安全不知道跟他们说什么)

27. I wonder if __


I wonder if he can jump higher than me (我想知道他能不能跳的比我高)

I wonder if you knew (我想知道你之前知不知道)

I wonder if it will rain today (我想知道今天会不会下雨)

I wonder if I will find my true love (我想知道我会不会找到我的真爱)

I wonder if I should take that job offer (我想知道我该不该拿这个工作offer)

I wonder if he agrees with my decision (我想知道他赞不赞成我的决定)

I wonder if my parents will like my new girlfriend (我想知道我父母会不会喜欢我的新女友)

I wonder if my ex still thinks about me sometimes (我想知道我的前任还会不会偶尔想起我)

I wonder if they know my secret (我想知道他们知不知道我的秘密)

28. I’ve been doing sth


I’ve been waiting for you (我一直在等你)

I’ve been trying (我一直在试)

I’ve been wondering (我一直在好奇)

I’ve been saving money for university (我一直在存钱 为了上大学)

I’ve been working on this project (我一直在做这个项目)

I’ve been watching the same TV show (我一直在看同一部电视剧)

I’ve been learning how to make pizza (我一直在学怎么做披萨)

I’ve been meditating everyday for 20 minutes (我一直在每天冥想20分钟)

I’ve been listening to Jay Chou’s music lately(我一直在听周杰伦的歌,最近)

I’ve been trying to quit smoking (我一直在尝试去戒烟)

29. I’ve been doing for __


I’ve been learning English for ten years (我学英语已经10年了)

I’ve been watching Alan’s videos for 3 years (我看Alan的视频已经3年了)

I’ve been playing piano for 5 years (我弹钢琴已经5年了)

I’ve been loving you for 20 years (我爱你已经20年了)

I’ve been studying Japanese for 2 years(我学日语已经2年了)

I’ve been working for this company for 6 months (我为这个公司工作已经6个月了)

I’ve been practicing yoga every day for 6 months (我每天练习瑜伽已经6个月了)

I’ve been writing this novel for 5 years (我写这本小说已经5年了)

I’ve been traveling the world for a year (我环游世界已经1年了)

I’ve been a driver for 2 years(我做司机已经2年了)

I’ve been a content creator for 5 years (我做视频博主已经5年了)

I’ve been an alcoholic for 3 years (我酗酒已经3年了)

I’ve been a teacher for 6 months(我做老师已经6个月了)

30. I’ve been meaning to __


I’ve been meaning to learn English with Alan (我一直想跟Alan学英语来着)

I’ve been meaning to ask you (我一直想问你来着)

I’ve been meaning to watch this movie (我一直想看这部电影来着)

I’ve been meaning to call my grandparents (我一直想打给我的爷爷奶奶来着)

I’ve been meaning to apologize to Jeff (我一直想给Jeff道歉来着)

I’ve been meaning to go to this school (我一直想去这所学校来着)

I’ve been meaning to read more books (我一直想看更多的书来着)

I’ve been meaning to start a business(我一直想创业来着)

I’ve been meaning to spend more time with my parents (我一直想多陪陪父母来着)

31. I’ve decided to __


I’ve decided to study harder (我决定要学习的更努力了)

I’ve decided to quit (我决定要放弃了)

I’ve decided to adopt a dog (我决定要收养一条狗了)

I’ve decided to quit my job (我决定要辞职了)

I’ve decided to learn how to swim (我决定要学游泳了)

I’ve decided to quit smoking (我决定要戒烟了)

I’ve decided to learn a new language (我决定要学一门新语言了)

32. I’ve heard that __

我听说 __

I’ve heard that he made 3 million dollars last year (我听说他去年挣了3百万美元)

I’ve heard that this movie is really good (我听说这部电影非常好看)

I’ve heard that Jeff is getting married (我听说Jeff要结婚了)

I’ve heard that yoga can reduce stress (我听说瑜伽可以减轻压力)

I’ve heard that drinking green tea is good for your body (我听说喝绿茶对你身体好)

I’ve heard that the movie “titanic” is amazing (我听说“泰坦尼克号”这部电影非常棒)

I’ve heard that listening to jazz music makes you calmer (我听说听爵士音乐能让你更冷静)

I’ve heard that drinking more water can improve your skin health (我听说多喝说能帮助提升你的肌肤健康)

33. I’ve had enough of __


I’ve had enough of American food (我已经受够了美国菜)

I’ve had enough of you (我已经受够了你)

I’ve had enough of this (我已经受够了这个)

I’ve had enough of Jeff (我已经受够了Jeff)

I’ve had enough of my English teacher (我已经受够了我的英语老师)

I’ve had enough of loud people (我已经受够了很吵的人们)

I’ve had enough of rap music (我已经受够了说唱音乐)

I’ve had enough of this traffic (我已经受够了这个交通量)

I’ve had enough! (我已经受够了!)

34. I’d (I would) like you to__


I’d like you to know (我希望你能知道)

I’d like you to answer my questions (我希望你能回答我的问题)

I’d like you to be here (我希望你能在这里)

I’d like you to help me with my homework (我希望你能帮我,关于我的家庭作业)

I’d like you to give me some advice (我希望你能给我一些建议)

I’d like you to say sorry (我希望你能道歉)

I’d like you to consider this offer (我希望你能考虑这个offer)

I’d like you finish your homework before watching TV (我希望你能先写完作业 在看电视前)

I’d like you to give me your honest opinion (我希望你能给我你真实的意见)

I’d like you to have more patience (我希望你能多一些耐心)

I’d like you to pay attention (我希望你能专心)

I’d like you to be more open-minded (我希望你能更思想开明一点)

I’d like you to work for me (我希望你能为我工作)

I’d like you to follow the rules (我希望你能遵守规则)

I’d like you to tell me the truth (我希望你能告诉我真相)

35. I’d be grateful if you can/could__


I’d be grateful if you can drive me to the airport (如果你能送我去机场,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can stop asking (如果你能别问了,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can help me move (如果你能帮我搬家,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can teach me English (如果你能教我英语,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can give me a job (如果你能给我一份工作,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can help me fix this car (如果你能帮我修这辆车,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you can give me some feedback (如果你能给我一些反馈,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you could lend me some money (如果你能借给我一些钱,我会感激不尽)

I’d be grateful if you could recommend me a good movie (如果你能给我推荐一部好电影,我会感激不尽)

36. Can I ___?


Can I call you? (我能打电话给你吗?)

Can I ask? (我能问吗?)

Can I borrow your pen?(我能借你的笔 吗?)

Can I help you? (我能帮你吗?)

Can I use your computer? (我能用你的电脑吗?)

Can I have a glass of water? (我能要一杯水吗?)

37. Could I ___? (更加礼貌版)


Could I ask? (我能问吗?)

Could I go home?(我能回家吗?)

Could I get your number?(我能要你的号码吗?)

Could I schedule an appointment?(我能预约一个appointment吗?)

38. Let me ___


Let me help you (让我帮你)

Let me in (让我进来)

Let me know if you need help (让我知道 如果你需要帮助)

Let me take care of you (让我照顾你)

Let me show you the way (让我来给你引路)

Let me know if you have any questions (让我知道 如果你有任何疑问的话)

Let me buy you a coffee (让我给你买杯咖啡)

Let me give you a gift (让我给你一个礼物)

Let me check if there are any seats left (让我检查下还有没有剩余座位)

39. Are you ___?


Are you American ?(你美国人吗?)

Are you crazy? (你疯了吗?)

Are you Jack?(你是Jack吗?)

Are you ready?(你准备好了吗?)

Are you interested? (你感兴趣吗?)

Are you happy?(你开心吗?)

40. Are you trying to ___?


Are you trying to call him? (你是在尝试打给他吗?)

Are you trying to win? (你是在尝试赢吗?)

Are you trying to lose weight? (你是在尝试减肥吗?)

Are you trying to learn a new language? (你是在尝试学一个新语言吗?)

Are you trying to fix that car?(你是在尝试修那辆车吗?)

Are you trying to save money?(你是在尝试存钱吗?)

Are you trying to quit smoking?(你是在尝试戒烟吗?)

Are you trying to avoid him? (你是在尝试回避他吗?)

Are you trying to overcome your fear?(你是在尝试克服你的恐惧吗?)

41. Do you ___?


Do you understand? (你懂了吗?)

Do you know?(你知道吗?)

Do you agree?(你同意吗?)

Do you hear me? (你听到我了吗?)

Do you have any pets? (你有宠物吗?)

Do you have any plans for the weekend? (你有计划吗? 这周末)

Do you enjoy watching TV? (你享受看电视吗?)

Do you have any siblings? (你有任何亲兄弟姐妹吗?)

Do you have a plan?(你有个计划吗?)

Do you know how to speak English? (你知道怎么说英语吗?)

Do you like to travel?(你喜欢旅行吗?)

42. Do you mind if I ___?


Do you mind if I come in? (你介意我进来吗?)

Do you mind if I ask? (你介意我问吗?)

Do you mind if I borrow your phone? (你介意我借你手机吗?)

Do you mind if I take a picture with you? (你介意我和你照张相吗?)

Do you mind if I bring a friend to the party? (你介意我带个朋友来party吗?)

Do you mind if I join you?(你介意我加入你吗?)

Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?(你介意我问你一个私人的问题吗?)

Do you mind if I go home? (你介意我回家吗?)

Do you mind if I borrow your car for the weekend?(你介意借你车用一周末吗?)

Do you mind if I turn down the volume?(你介意我关小声一点吗?)

43. Do you feel like doing?


Do you feel like going outside? (你想出去外面吗?)

Do you feel like eating?(你想吃饭吗?)

Do you feel like crying?(你想哭吗?)

Do you feel like watching a movie? (你想看部电影吗?)

Do you feel like going to the gym?(你想去健身房吗?)

Do you feel like ordering pizza for dinner?(你想点披萨作为晚餐吗?)

Do you feel like going home?(你想回家吗?)

Do you feel like listening to jazz music?(你想听爵士音乐吗?)

Do you feel like trying a new flavor?(你想尝试一个新口味吗?)

Do you feel like taking a nap(你想睡个午觉吗?)

Do you feel like trying a new hairstyle/haircut? (你想换一个新发型吗?)

44. Did you use to __?


Did you use to work here? (你以前是不是在这里上班?)

Did you use to play basketball? (你以前是不是打篮球?)

Did you use to have a BMW? (你以前是不是有辆宝马?)

Did you use to work at KFC? (你以前是不是在肯德基工作?)

Did you use to go to an international high school? (你以前是不是上一个国际高中)

Did you use to cry a lot?(你以前是不是经常哭?)

Did you use to be more outgoing?(你以前是不是更外向? )

Did you use to cut your own hair?(你以前是不是给自己剪头发?)

Did you use to walk to school?(你以前是不是走去学校?)

Did you use to work out a lot?(你以前是不是经常健身?)

Did you use to have a six pack? (你以前是不是有六块腹肌?)

45. Have you ever ___?


Have you ever been to China? (你有没有去过中国?)

Have you ever wondered? (你有没有好奇过?)

Have you ever met her?(你见过她吗?)

Have you ever traveled to a different country?(你有没有去过其他国家旅游过?)

Have you ever been to a concert?(你有没有去过一个演唱会?)

Have you ever met a famous person?(你有没有见过名人?)

Have you ever bought a course on douyin?(你有没有在抖音上买过课?)

Have you ever swum in an ocean?(你有没有在海里游过泳?)

Have you ever tried Japanese food?(你有没有试过日本菜?)

Have you ever watched a horror movie?(你有没有看过恐怖片?)

Have you ever watched a Korean show?(你有没有看过韩剧?)

46. You could’ve (could have) __


You could’ve told me earlier (你本可以早一点告诉我的)

You could’ve saved her (你本可以救她的)

You could’ve left (你本可以离开的)

You could’ve called me when you needed help (你本可以打给我的 当你需要帮助的时候)

You could’ve saved more money (你本可以存更多钱的)

You could’ve learned how to swim(你本可以学会游泳的)

You could’ve made more money(你本可以赚更多钱的)

You could’ve made a different choice (你本可以做一个不一样的选择的)

You could’ve apologized (你本可以道歉的)

You could’ve avoided my mom (你本可以避开我妈的)

You could’ve studied more before the test(你本可以考试前学更多的)

47. You have to _in order to _\


You have to work hard in order to succeed (为了成功 你必须努力工作)

You have to eat less in order to lose weight (为了减肥 你必须少吃点)

You have to study hard in order to pass your exam (为了通过考试 你必须努力学习)

You have to save money in order to buy a house (为了买房 你必须存钱)

You have to be patient in order to achieve your goals (为了完成你的目标 你必须耐心)

You have to practice more in order to improve your skills (为了提升你的技术 你必须训练的更多)

You have to learn from your mistakes in order to grow (为了成长 你必须从你的错误中学习)

You have to believe in yourself in order to be happy (为了快乐 你必须相信自己)

48. You’re supposed to __


You’re supposed to wait for me(你是应该等我的)

You’re supposed to trust me(你是应该相信我的)

You’re supposed to help (你是应该帮忙的)

You’re supposed to be here (你是应该在这里的)

You’re supposed to follow the rules(你是应该遵守规则的)

You’re supposed to say, “thank you” (你是应该说 “谢谢 “的)

You’re supposed to turn off your phone (你是应该关掉手机的)

You’re supposed to wear a mask(你是应该带口罩的)

You’re supposed to follow me(你是应该跟着我的)

You’re supposed to take your shoes off(你是应该脱鞋的)

You’re supposed to wash your hands(你是应该洗手的)

49. You’d (You had) better/ You better __


You’d better help (你最好帮忙)

You’d better listen(你最好听着)

You’d better hurry (你最好快一点)

You better wear a jacket (你最好穿件夹克)

You better apologize to me(你最好给我道个歉)

You better save some money (你最好存点钱)

You better study hard (你最好努力点学习)

You better check the expiration date(你最好检查一下过期日期)

You better get some rest (你最好休息一下)

You better be careful (你最好小心一点)

50. If I were you, I would ___

如果我是你的话 我会___

If I were you, I would go to college (如果我是你的话 我会去上大学)

If I were you, I would take a break (如果我是你的话 我会休息一下)

If I were you, I would save some money (如果我是你的话 我会存一些钱)

If I were you, I would marry her (如果我是你的话 我会娶她)

If I were you, I would apologize to her (如果我是你的话 我会跟她道歉)

If I were you, I would take my time (如果我是你的话,我会不着急 慢慢来)

If I were you, I would learn English (如果我是你的话,我会学英语)

If I were you, I would forgive them (如果我是你的话 我会原谅他们)

If I were you, I would spend more time with my parents(如果我是你的话 我会多花时间陪陪父母)

If I were you, I would read more books(如果我是你的话 我会多看书)

51. As __ as possible


As soon as possible (ASAP)(越快越好)

As quiet as possible (越安静越好)

As much as possible (越多越好 *不可数) As much food as possible

As many as possible (越多越好 *可数) As many people as possible

As early as possible (越早越好)

As cheap as possible (越便宜越好)

As often as possible (越频繁越好)

As loud as possible (越大声越好)

As long as possible (越长越好)

As tall as possible (越高越好)

As rich as possible (越富越好)

52. Let’s not ___


Let’s not talk about it (我们不要聊它)

Let’s not forget (我们不要忘记)

Let’s not give up (我们不要放弃)

Let’s not be late to the meeting (我们开会不要迟到)

Let’s not ignore them (我们不要忽视他们)

Let’s not compare ourselves to others(我们不要和别人做比较)

Let’s not make promises we can’t keep (我们不要做出无法完成的承诺)

Let’s not argue about this (我们不要为这个争论)

Let’s not be too worried (我们不要太担心了)

53. He is as __ as ___


He’s as rich as me(他和我一样富)

He’s as tall as me (他和我一样高)

He’s as cold as ice (他和冰一样冷)

She’s as quiet as a mouse during meetings(她和老鼠一样安静 在开会的时候)

He’s as brave as a lion (他和狮子一样勇敢)

He’s as tall as a giraffe (他和长颈鹿一样高)

He’s as busy as a bee(他和蜜蜂一样忙)

He’s as fast as Usain Bolt (他和博尔特一样快)

54. He’s so __ that ___


He’s so tall that he can’t get in the car (他太高了 以至于上不了车)

He’s so rich that he can buy whatever he wants (他太富了 以至于想买什么就买什么)

He’s so smart that he doesn’t need to study to pass the test (他太聪明了 以至于他不需要学习就能通过考试)

He’s so honest that he always tells the truth (他太诚实了 以至于他一直说实话)

He’s so good-looking that every girl wants to be with him (他太帅了 以至于所有女生都想和他在一起)

He’s so famous that everybody knows who he is (他太出名了,以至于所有人都知道他是谁)

He’s so quiet that nobody heard what he said (他太安静了 以至于没有人听到他说了什么)

He’s so bored that he would count from 1 to 100,0000 ( 他太无聊了 以至于他会从1数到10万)

55. Don’t ever ___


Don’t ever call me again (千万不要再打电话给我 了)

Don’t ever say that (千万不要说这个)

Don’t ever give up on your dreams(千万不要放弃你的梦想)

Don’t ever stop learning (千万不要停止学习)

Don’t ever ignore your mom(千万不要忽视你的母亲)

Don’t ever forget to be humble (千万不要忘记要谦虚)

Don’t ever stop believing in yourself (千万不要停止相信你自己)

Don’t ever let him tell you what to do (千万不要让他告诉你该怎么做)

Don’t ever be afraid to ask for help (千万不要害怕寻求帮助)

Don’t ever surrender (千万不要投降)

Don’t ever stop trying (千万不要停止尝试)

56. How long does it take to ___?


How long does it take to walk to school? (走去学校要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to finish your homework?(写完你的作业要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to drive to the beach?(开去海滩要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to finish the test?(完成考试要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to recover from a cold?(从感冒恢复要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to learn English? (学英语要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to build a house? (造一所房子要多长时间?)

How long does it take to make a song? (做一首歌要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to learn a new language? (学一个新的语言要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to write a book?(写一本书要花多长时间?)

How long does it take to become a doctor?(成为一名医生要花多长时间?)

57. It’s too bad that ___


It’s too bad that he didn’t go (他没去真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that she left (她走了真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that the concert was cancelled (演唱会被取消真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that I lost my phone (我手机丢了真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that you didn’t show up to my birthday party (你没能来我的生日派对真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that you got fired (你被炒鱿鱼真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that the museum was closed (博物馆关门了真是太可惜了)

It’s too bad that she doesn’t speak English (她不会说英语真是太可惜了)

58. It’s very kind of you to ___


It’s very kind of you to pick me up(你来接我真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to take care of me (你照顾我真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to take care of my pets (你照顾我的宠物真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to help me move (你帮我搬家真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to share your knowledge (你分享你的知识真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to bring me food (你给我带食物真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to invite me to your party (你邀请我去你的party真是太好心了)

It’s very kind of you to invite her(你邀请她真是太好心了)

59. It’s up to __, _\

_\, 由__说了算

It’s up to my dad where I go to school (我去哪上学由我爸说了算)

It’s up to them what’s next (下一步由他们说了算)

It’s up to my mom where we eat (我们去哪吃饭由我妈说了算)

It’s up to the teacher how much homework we need to do (我们得做多少作业 由老师说了算)

It’s up to our parents how much allowance we have (我们有多少零花钱 由我们父母说了算)

It’s up to the buyer how much he’s willing to pay (愿意出多少钱 由买家说了算)

It’s up to the manager who works tomorrow (明天谁上班 由经理说了算)

It’s up to me if I will go home (我会不会回家 由我说了算)

It’s up to the students to choose their major (他们选什么专业 由学生说了算)

60. It’s your turn ___


It’s your turn to drive(轮到你开车了)

It’s your turn to try (轮到你试了)

It’s your turn to take out the trash (轮到你扔垃圾了)

It’s your turn to do the dishes (轮到你洗碗了)

It’s your turn to walk the dog (轮到你遛狗了)

It’s your turn to answer the question (轮到你回答问题了)

It’s your turn to choose the movie (轮到你选电影了)

It’s your turn to make the decision (轮到你做决定了)

It’s your turn to host the party (轮到你主办party了)

It’s your turn to cook(轮到你做饭了)

61. It takes __ to __\


It takes 2 hours to drive home (开回家要2小时)

It takes 10 seconds to drink this (喝完这个要10秒钟)

It takes 10,000 hours to master the skill (真正掌握技能,要1万个小时)

It takes 2 people to move this chair (搬这个椅子要2个人)

It takes time to heal (恢复要时间)

It takes courage to fight a bear (和熊打架要勇气)

It takes 2 days to move (搬家要2天)

It takes passion to not give up (不放弃要热情)

It takes time to grow (成长要时间)

62. It’s time to ___


It’s time to eat(到时间吃饭了)

It’s time to begin (到时间开始了)

It’s time to wake up (到时间起床了)

It’s time to pay (到时间付钱了)

It’s time to turn off the phone (到时间关手机了)

It’s time to go home (到时间回家了)

It’s time to work out (到时间健身了)

It’s time to drive (到时间开车了)

It’s time to make this decision (到时间做这个决定了)

It’s time to celebrate your birthday(到时间庆祝你的生日了)

63. Should I ___?


Should I go home? (我应该回家吗?)

Should I ask? (我应该问吗?)

Should I go work out? (我应该去健身吗?)

Should I buy a new car? (我应该买辆新车吗?)

Should I tell her?(我应该告诉她吗?)

64. Speaking of ___


Speaking of TV shows, what’s your favorite? (谈到电视剧,你最喜欢哪一部?)

Speaking of Jeff, do you still remember him? (谈到Jeff,你还记得他吗?)

Speaking of food, have you tried the new restaurant? (谈到食物,你去试了那个新餐厅吗?)

Speaking of music, who is your favorite singer?(谈到音乐,你最喜欢的歌手是谁?)

Speaking of books, do you have any recommendations?(谈到书,你有推荐的吗?)

Speaking of movies, have you seen the latest spider man?(谈到电影,你看了最新的蜘蛛侠吗?)

Speaking of weather, do you think it’s gonna rain today? (谈到天气,你觉得今天会下雨吗?)

65. There’s no way he___


There’s no way he’ll say yes (他不可能同意)

There’s no way he can win (他不可能能赢)

There’s no way he won the lottery (他不可能赢了彩票)

There’s no way he has enough money (他不可能有足够的钱)

There’s no way he is going to tell the truth (他不可能会说实话的)

There’s no way he went to college (他不可能上过大学)

There’s no way she will listen to you (她不可能会听你说的)

There’s no way I will eat this, this is too spicy (我不可能吃这个的,这个太辣了)

There’s no way I can finish the homework (我不可能能完成作业)

There’s no way they’ll follow you(他们不可能会跟着你的)

There’s no way they will give up (他们不可能会放弃的)

66. There’s no need to ___


There’s no need to ask (没有必要去问)

There’s no need to be angry (没有必要生气)

There’s no need to apologize (没有必要道歉)

There’s no need to buy me a gift (没有必要给我买礼物)

There’s no need to drive, we can walk (没有必要开车 我们可以走路)

There’s no need to let them know (没有必要让他们知道)

There’s no need to worry (没有必要担心)

There’s no need to argue (没有必要争吵)

There’s no need to be perfect(没有必要完美)

There’s no need to compare (没有必要比较)

67. Why don’t we ___?


Why don’t we go home? (我们要不回家?)

Why don’t we be nice to each other? (我们要不对对方好点?)

Why don’t we watch a movie tonight? (我们要不看部电影 今晚?)

Why don’t we try something new?(我们要不试点新的东西?)

Why don’t we listen to Jeff?(我们要不听Jeff的?)

Why don’t we host a party?(我们要不主办一个party?)

Why don’t we visit your dad?(我们要不去拜访你爸?)

68. We’d (we had) better___ / He’d better___

我们最好___/ 他最好

We’d better leave as soon as possible (我们最好越早走越好)

He’d better listen to me(他最好听我的)

She’d better go home (她最好回家)

69. Might as well ___


We might as well walk to school (我们其实可以走去学校)

We might as well give up (我们其实可以放弃)

You might as well go home (你其实可以回家)

Since I have so much money, I might as well buy a BMW (既然我都有这么多钱了,我其实可以买辆宝马)

You might as well listen to her (你其实可以听她的)

It’s raining outside, we might as well stay home (外面在下雨,我们其实可以待在家里)

I don’t have work today, I might as well go watch a movie (我今天没有工作,我其实可以去看部电影)

I’m really hungry right now, I might as well order pizza (我现在特别饿,我其实可以点披萨)

I’m so bored, I might as well study (我很无聊,我其实可以学习)

70. What if___?


What if we stop going to work?(如果我们不去上班了会怎么样?)

What if the world ends tomorrow? (如果明天世界末日会怎么样?)

What if she says no?(如果她拒绝会怎么样?)

What if he’s not telling you the truth?(如果他现在没告诉你实话会怎么样?)

What if we could live forever?(如果我们能一直活着会怎么样?)

What if we can time travel?(如果我们能时间旅行会怎么样?)

71. What’s this ___ about?


What’s this book about? (这本书是关于什么的?)

What’s this movie about?(这部电影是关于什么的?)

What’s this meeting about ?(这个会议是关于什么的?)

What’s this conversation about?(这个对话是关于什么的?)

What’s this course about?(这个课程是关于什么的?)

What’s this game about?(这个游戏是关于什么的?)

What’s this project about?(这个项目是关于什么的?)

What’s this article about?(这个文章是关于什么的?)

What’s this TV show about?(这个电视剧是关于什么的?)

What’s this email about?(这个电子邮件是关于什么的?)

What’s this website about?(这个网站是关于什么的?)

What’s this policy about?(这个政策是关于什么的?)

72. Why not ___


Why not pay for your girlfriend? (为什么不为你女朋友付钱呢?)

Why not get married? (为什么不结婚呢?)

Why not ask her?(为什么不问她呢?)

It’s a beautiful day, why not go outside?(是个美丽的一天,为什么不出门呢?)

Why not go to college?(为什么不去上大学呢?)

Why not start a business?(为什么不创业呢?)

73. Let alone ___


I can’t even speak English, let alone teach English (我都不会说英语,更别说教英语了)

I don’t know her birthday, let alone her zodiac sign (我不知道她的生日,更别说她的星座了)

I can’t even write an email, let alone a novel (我都不会写一封电子邮件,更别说写一本小说了)

I can’t even do 1 push-up, let alone 10 (我甚至都不能做一个俯卧撑,更别说10个)

I can’t afford food, let alone a new car(我都承担不起食物了,更别说一辆新车)